My parents both read to me frequently growing up, particularly at bedtime. Dad incorporated his own sound effects—in which I could choose to participate—into the Disney Little Golden Book edition of The Three Little Pigs. Mom favored 365 Bedtime Stories by Nan Gilbert, a copy of which I believe still sits in my parents house, flaking and falling apart, but still beloved. Now, my parents read to their grandchildren regularly, and I’ve developed a love of books over the years and become a children’s librarian, where I read at regular story times every week. The first specific moment I recall, however, being read to was an instance when my dad decided to introduce my brother and me to The Hobbit. The two of us lay on my parents’ bedroom floor at the foot of their bed, while Dad opened the novel from his side of the bed, his nightstand light on in addition to the overhead light with the fan. Ethan and I lay quietly with our hands clasped under our heads while Dad painted pictures with his voice and Tolkien’s words. Of course, The Hobbit is not terribly well-suited to reading aloud. Tolkien’s winding and lengthy sentence structure can make for a tough follow-along, but it wasn’t about the story or the words—it was about spending time with my family, and a moment of my dad that I’ll remember and cherish forever. There’s no doubt that reading and reading to children is paramount to their development, both cognitive and emotional. And while many of us were read to as children for the first time, some of us were adults when we first remember a significant moment of written words being read to us. When Tayari Jones, author of An American Marriage, (@tayari) asked other Twitter users to share their earliest memories of reading or being read to, readers rose to the occasion. Here are some of the best responses to Jones’s question.

— Tayari Jones (@tayari) November 23, 2018   This reader remembers saying goodnight with Goodnight Moon.

— … (@Prettybrains08) November 24, 2018   Kris learned about Patty Hearst through recitations of the Milwaukee Journal.

— Kris A. Newman (@KrisANewman) November 24, 2018   Wilhelmina describes the power of books even when there is a need and want for other things.

— Wilhelmina Jenkins (@minadjenkins) November 23, 2018   Crystal remembers her grandmother’s important role in her development.

— crystal wilkinson (@CrystalWilki) November 24, 2018   Sarah has had a TBR since as long as she can remember.

— Sarah Randall (@cookcanread) November 23, 2018   Rene took on the role of reader for her brother.   Genea is grateful for the love of reading her mother gave her via “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” and her stellar voice acting abilities.

— Genea Monroe (@gtmonroe1999) November 24, 2018   Tori shares her love for Mrs. Weiss, who read with her one-on-one.

— Tori Halligan (@notorioustdh) November 24, 2018   Drew had a similar experience to mine, involving Tolkein.

— Drew Johnson (@DrewalsoKermit) November 23, 2018   Hope, with a nod to libraries, recalls Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill.

— Hope Dellon (@hopedellon) November 24, 2018   Reading was and is magic with Miranda.

— Miranda Beverly-Whittemore (@MirandaBW) November 24, 2018   Sometimes, it’s a single word that opens up the world.

I was two years old, walking with my granddad. I can still remember how proud he was, and how happy it made me. I’ll never let go of that memory. — JaysonElliot (@JaysonElliot) November 24, 2018   Food and books have a way of finding each other, as evidenced by Rosalie’s childhood memory.

— Rosalie Lee (@LeeMirandaLee) November 23, 2018   Ah, the importance of modeling the behavior we want to see in children.   Lisa, like many of us, remembers mornings of cereal ingredients.

— Lisa Nelson-Haynes (@momsamango) November 23, 2018   Harry Potter is sure to show up in many first-reading memories.

— Emily Polson 👻 (@emilycpolson) November 24, 2018   Monise, showing us all up with an early encounter with the encyclopedia.

— Monise L. Seward (@MoniseLSeward) November 24, 2018   Dr. Ken gets a hug of a memory in the form of nursery rhymes.

— Dr. Ken Carter (@DrKenCarter) November 24, 2018   Reading, making caregivers proud since the beginning of time.

— The Ke (@Kakes_Murray) November 24, 2018   More library love!

— Jane from Lorain (@LorainJane) November 23, 2018   Jenn took the lead in her family.

— Jenn S (@jennstri) November 24, 2018   Letisha got her reading start with a Dr. Seuss classic.

— Letisha Engracia Cardoso Brown, PhD. (@letisha122) November 24, 2018   Sonia also got her start with Dr. Seuss, and a title mentioned many times in responses.

— Sonia Hazard (@SRHazardATL) November 24, 2018   Spite reading is the best kind of reading.

— Hanne Blank (@hanneblank) November 24, 2018   Check out Tayari Jones’s thread to see other great responses and fond memories of books and reading. And tell us in the comments what your answer is!